What a waste of a day and gas. Since I only have one class that I'm registered for, I have to try to add the rest of them. Today was one of them. There's a class at 3:30 that I wanted to add. Eugene said to leave around 1 so that I could get a parking space, yadda, yadda. Hung out with the guys till around 3 and then Ben and I went to the Art Building. I waited in the classroom for 45 minutes. Then someone comes and says, "Oh, the teacher didn't know that he was teaching today. So come back on Monday." WHAT THE HECK?! How can you NOT know??? Met back up w/ Eugene, Ben, and John at SU and then decided to just go to work since I have some catching up to do. ::sigh:: School sucks.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
hmmmm, ok, some random thoughts from camp
practice :: singing at the top of our lungs at 1 in the morning :: sleepover :: boysIImen :: directions :: pinkchinkkablink! :: latoya shaquoia boya :: cabin lois & cabin eve [ADD cabins!!] :: bee! :: hot dates :: volleyball :: NO bananans :: ice cream :: sneaky snakes :: bee! :: whipped cream :: shaving cream :: dana::scared :: PLUGS::etiquette skit :: bee! :: mic stand :: squish! squish! :: massage line :: gallon jug of water :: nothing but LOVE :: banquet :: so cute! :: superheros in eve :: waking up "on time" :: broken shower :: sponge bob :: messages :: campfire :: busted ankle :: "I'M SOOO SORRY" :: "I TAKE BACK THE SORRYs!" :: i KNEW it was a prank-should've gone on my first instinct :: bee! :: praise nite :: cabin skits ::on a monday i pick barley... :: stinky garbage :: nakedboy :: crazy cabin leaders :: stars :: bee! :: campfire :: toby :: crying :: pictures :: scary place :: venting sessions :: curfews :: bump head :: throw up :: feeling old :: baby ruth :: bee! :: 2nd place in rec! :: tshirt fiasco :: sharing sleeping bags :: early morning wake up calls :: BEE! ::
I never felt so old in my life. Ok, maybe I have, but at camp, it reminded me how old I am. DANG...I'm OLD! Scary to think that in 2 years, Greg will part of it and then the following year, Ty will be. ::shudder:: It's kinda sad too, seeing as me, being a Cabin Leader was one of the ones who WANTED and INITIATED the pranking....HAHAHAHHAHAA! AND we didn't get caught! It was an enjoyable first year as counselor. Thank you to my girls for being the best. Miss my sneaky snakes!! =)

Originally uploaded by michy.
I'm so sad. Another person is leaving and moving on in their lives. It makes me disappointed that I'm such a slacker and I can never motivate or push myself to be more. I don't remember why we had a Hawaiian theme on this particular Sunday. Oh...maybe it was the introduction of theHOUSE. In either case, one of my favorite pictures of the group. It is a lil old seeing as we've added a few people since then. It's going to be really weird not seeing Toby 3-4 times a week. Toby means alot to me, I guess I never really thought about it till recently; I know I've taken him for granted. The 2 times in my life where I felt very much out of control and about to fall over and faint, he caught me. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. I hate goodbyes, but I guess it's not really a goodbye. I just have to view it as a very very EXTENDED trip that he'll be on. ::sigh:: One of the parts of growing up that I hate.