Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Monday, August 09, 2004
What can really piss off a person? Having everything in their email account disappear. Yep, that's right, Yahoo somehow deleted EVERYTHING except stuff in my inbox. So, all my letters, pictures, work, and school stuff that were sorted into folders ARE GONE. How much does that suck????? ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally uploaded by michy.
I luv this picture of Dai Dai and Val. I don't know if you can all see it, but he's looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. It's such a cute picture.
Good gracious, I'm worn out. VBS is so tiring. I feel like Pat, "I'm too old to be doing this. I'm just too tired of it." ::sigh:: That and the fact that I feel like I'm yelling more at certain 'staff members' more than any teacher is yelling at their students. ARRRHHHH. So completely frustrating.
So what's been up. Well, bascially just VBS. Camp's coming up. Crazy thot, seeing as I feel like I just started summer. ::sigh::
What else, oh yes, my grandpa is finally home now. So thank you to all who have been praying for him and thank you to those who have emailed and/or sent gifts to him. We all appreciate it. He's doing so much better. He's just fed up being stuck indoors all the time.
Last nite was Drea & Daniel's banquet. Interesting...Typical Chinese banquet, start really late. The MC unfortunately wasn't Clifford. It was some guy from one of the associations who got Drea's name wrong. Started it off correctly and then he started calling her Marie. I haven't heard Josie laugh that loudly in a long time. Didn't feel like I ate too much. I think because me, Jazz, and Val were too busy laughing at other people and Garrette. That and taking pictures of all the cutie babies there. =) Dancing and drinking followed. So much fun as always. Altho, part of the dancing sucked. Especially when a certain someone who was too smashed kept trying to dance w/ all us girls. ::oy:: But yeah, fun fun fun. We're not going to have THAT much fun for a longggggggggg time.
So now, back to getting ready for VBS in Alameda. UGhhhhhh....must be there at 8:30 and that means waking up MUCH MUCH earlier. SUCK.
I really need to start liking good boys. Too much of a sucker for the bad ones. ::rollseyes::