Thursday, March 18, 2004


~The Son Outshines the Rain

Sometimes when I close my eyes to sleep
I feel my pains engrave in my heart so deep

I dream of better days of joyful bliss
Just to wake to an aimless abyss

The rain crawling down my window view
The gray haze choking my vision of You

The coldness grows around my bed
Id rather stay than work instead

To dream past reality just to wake again
Covered in sadness depression to set in

But the Son outshines the rain
Dont worry it wont always be the same
The Son Outshines the Rain
You can feel His warmth come again
Though times are dim w/ light youll see
The Son Outshines the rain
Just open your eyes and youll believe

With the strength I have left I slowly awake
I rise from my bed my tired body aches

I stand in my life to live another day
Another step to take another word to say

The rain falls so hard the sky is so gray
I press forward the cold is in my way

As I move through my empty halls
I feel more awake the Thunder shakes the walls

I turn to see how far Ive gone
My room so far away I start to feel the calm

You see the Son outshines the rain
Dont worry it wont always be the same
The Son Outshines the Rain
You can feel His warmth come again
Though times are dim w/ light youll see
The Son outshines the rain
Just open your eyes and youll believe

Turning ahead to walk and gain ground
I see the Lord in view His love and grace unbound

If I continue my path to Him Im led
To turn around my life goes no where to Him Im dead

The choice seems so easy yet so hard to make
My body wants to sit my mind tells me to wake

The clouds start to part the sky starts to show
Do I stop and turn around or do I move forward to grow

I fall to my knees and crawl to His might
I feel the joy of being in His sight

I see the Son outshines the rain
I dont worry its not the same
The Son Outshines The Rain
You can feel His warmth come again
Though times are dim w/ light youll see
The Son Outshines the rain
Open your eyes and youll believe

*B.C 2001
So I found this on this person's website. I met this person last year, didn't think or know they could write poetry. The first 5 stanzas basically sum it up for me when I have my nitemares, I should remember the "Son Outshines The Rain" part...::sigh::rather hard to do.

hahhahahaha....another quote, but from a song.

Boy today I saw you smile and I wondered if you knew
That you were the one that took my heart away from me
I can't get you off my mind 'cause I'm falling for you boy
All my dreams and all my thoughts are all for you....

yup...mmmmm...eyecandy tomorrow! Or rather, later today.... ;)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Happy 24th Ria. Technically I'm 2 days sincerest apologies. I celebrated your birthday on THE day though. And to my joy, that evening [as I was driving some of my 200 miles of the weekend], I saw a LAVENDAR sunset =) Thank you! So what have we been doing lately? We've been busy getting the final things together for you Benefit Dinner for this Friday nite. Wow...such work, but well worth it. I've been staying up till like 3 or 4 working on the projects and getting up early to go to work too. Funny thing, I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be while working on them. Maybe because I think so much about YOU while doing it and knowing that we're doing this for all of the less fortunate kids out there, it just pushes me along. I don't know...or maybe, it's the picture I have of you and me taped on my monitor that just inspires me. But then again, that shouldn't surprise me, you've always inspired me. Everytime I felt like I couldn't hack it, you encouraged me and helped me get through it. I thought about you today. Well, not that I DON'T think about you, I think about you everyday, but today, I cried too. I haven't cried in awhile. I hope I don't have any nitemares tonite. I hope I just have pleasant dreams of us having fun, painting, and singing all those crazy songs we used to listen to at the top of our lungs. Miss you lots 'n lots as always...

[::..peepo..::] :: my friend =) :: :: cool graphics teacher :: [::..on the turntable..::] :: sexy voiced jazz/swing singer :: :: crooner :: :: another crooner :: :: yet another crooner :: :: cutie joel :: :: beautiful :: :: luv the voice :: :: HOW old am i?? :: :: smitty :: :: curly lips :: :: feelin alive :: :: rockin the beat :: :: nb :: [::..checkit..::] :: CAL football :: :: drool, drool :: :: what every guy should bookmark! :: :: dinc! :: :: dare to dream :: :: dare to dream2 :: :: wish i could do this :: :: this too... :: :: i wanna work here! :: :: relevant :: [::..always luvd..::] :: 4ever 21, 4ever luvd ::