i'm so tired of tired. the past week, i've been going to sleep after 2 and waking up at 7:30. *sigh* i can't wait for the madness to end. and what sux the most. i studied my a*@ off for my art history test and when i went to take it, i went completly blank. i couldn't remember a thing. i couldn't even b.s my way through it. which i normally can and pull at b+ or a- out. *oy* i need a vacation...i need to run away and hide...hope your week is going better than mine.
Saturday, March 29, 2003
Thursday, March 27, 2003
the day has actually come...she's actually going. i mean, she's stationed in japan and that's sad enough. but now, she's been deployed. i'm worried and i'm scared. who wouldn't be? i'm still in favor of war, that's not going to change. just the fact that it's actually happened is a lil hard to take in right now. i can't focus on my work and i'm already behind on stuff. *sigh*
Dear Lord,
Please be with Christina and all of her crew. Give her courage, strength, and comfort. Protect her, bring her home soon. Amen
Dear Christina-Jeh-Jeh,
I'm so proud of you. it's hard to imagine that you're really so far away fighting for our country. it didn't scare me too badly when you were being stationed in japan, partly because i knew that you were still around, you wouldn't hafta be "fighting" anywhere. now that you have actually been deployed, it's a little unreal. it's hard to imagine that you're actually going, huh? right now, i just wish we could go back in time and freeze it. when we used to put on funny skits for everyone, dance to michael jackson, and ride in auntie tina's convertable standing up...we've been thru alot, huh? you're in my thots, prayers, and dreams. "for i know the plans i have for you says the Lord..." it does seem scary, but then, when i read that, i'm comforted. i know that God holds you close to his heart too...cuz you are his child and he luvs you so much. i know you're scared, i'm scared, we're all scared, but i'm trusting God and i have faith that whatever happens, we'll all be blessed. i luv you girlfriend, come home soon...*MUAH* luv, ~*MICH*~
i got this from the newspaper the other day...
"Saddam is a nightmare" by Katrin Michael who is a member of Women for a Free Iraq, a Washington based advocacy group.
"As an Iraqui woman who wages peace and has fought in war, I am compelled to supporta U.S.-led action to remove Saddam Hussein. After 26 years of resistance against Saddam, I have come to the conclusion that only forces from outside Iraq can bring an end to the nightmare of his rule.
The stories of Saddam's brutality are all true. Ethnic cleansing, summary imprisonment and execution, torture and rape are all part of the nightmare. I know this from personal experience.
My father founded an Iraqi peace movement, a crime for which he was murdered. Later, I joined the Kurdish resistance, even though I was, in their eyes, a mere woman and a Christian. I traveled in disguise to Baghadad and around the country to organize the opposition to Saddam. But when I was injured in one of his chemical bombardments against hundreds of Kurdish villages in 1987 and 1988, I was forced to flee to a refugee camp in Turkey, where I stayed until I recovered and finally reached freedom in the United States in 1997. I continue to suffer to this day from lung, nerve and eye damage caused by these weapons.
No one in Iraq is immune from Saddam's brutality-not even the closest members of his family. He even exectued two of his own sons-in law in 1996. But women are especially targeted as part of his broader policies of intimidation.
A commonly used form of torture is to bring in a detainee's female relative, preferably his wife, daughter or mother, and gang rape her in front of him.
Members of the Iraqi opposition in exile receive videotapes of their female relative in Iraq being raped. Women who criticize or merely offend Saddam are accused of being prostitues and regulary beheaded in public.
His son, Uday, often leads these beheadings. They occur in Baghadad, as well as in smaller viallages throughout Iraq. The heads of the executed women are hung on the doors of their houses for all to see.
I am saddened when I see people who sincerely care for the fate of the Iraqi pepole resist the American-led effort to remove Saddam and restore hope for the Iraqis. We cannot do it alone.
Iraqis had their closest brush with freedom in 1001, during Operation Desert Storm. I regret, as do most Iraqis, that the United States and its allies allowed Saddam to quash this resistance and remain in power. Those who care about peace and justice for the Iraqis should not make the same mistake again.
Saddam will never leave power willingly. He will never gibe up his weapons or allow the Iraqi people to live in freedom."
And some people are arguing that we should leave Saddam alone??? Are they THAT stupid?!
in other news of my day. i competely bombed my art history test. i went completely blank. my teacher's gonna think i didn't study AT ALL. *sigh* so much to do, so little time...and with such a busy weekend, i don't know what i'm gonna do. more all niters for mich...
Monday, March 24, 2003
sheesh! it's like i'm a magnet for cars to hit me! i almost got hit twice again. sunday, after church, went to lunch w/ jon, karen, mikayla, mom, val, and hil. i was on washington, almost to sergio's. i had a green light and there was a car in front of me. then, i see this car on my left coming into the intersection. i honked at her and she gave me this look as if to say, what are you honking at?? then she slowly backed up. i have a witness too! hil was right behind me! and then, today, on my way to school, i had a green light again and as i went thru the intersection, this car that was coming from the right and was wanting to merge, almost hit me. she had a red light too! sheesh...i swear, one of these days, it's gonna happen...
*sigh* so much to do, so little time. and tho i should be doing my many assignments, painting, sketching, thumbnails, math, memorizing all these pieces of art for art history, i'm stalling....sort of listening/watching legally blonde in the background and just surfin the net. *oy* i need a vacation....