Monday, October 18, 2004

Originally uploaded by michy.
Woke up Saturday morning oh so tired. Got back from church on Friday nite around 10:30 pm, finishing up some last minute stuff for Harvest Fest. Got to church around 9:45 Saturday, and set up for Harvest Fest. It's the 6th Harvest Fest that we've hosted - I've been to 4...well, ok, 3 1/2. This year, I actually was able to LEAVE! I got to leave at 12:30. It felt weird to NOT be there for the carnival, but good too. I just don't know how Pat or anyone else in full time ministry can do it, I'm barely part time and I'm so tired. It was rather overcast and chilly so I hoping for at least 150 kids. Rather stressed at first b/c of the lack of help. But everything worked out as it always does.
Went to CAL vs UCLA game. Tamaron and her bf, Michael came up for the weekend and here's a picture. Of course, I can never take a serious picture, so I'm hatin on the stupid towel that Michael's holding - the one the annoying UCLA coach always twirls above his head. So yeah, sat w/ the cuzzy's, bf, sis, dad, Duane and Finley. Saw lots of other people, alot of family. And you all wonder why I go to CAL games? It's a family thing - I bleed blue and gold. Hahhahahaa, what can I say, not like SJ has a football team or the Niners are doing so well. Interesting game, kind of frustrating, kind of annoying, but a win's a win. =) We got nice stadium fleece blankets too =) After, met up w/ Mom and my aunt and had dinner. Nice way to end the evening, good food, good company, good drinks, good game.
This morning was rather interesting. They fed the message from 27/28 to 31/32 thru the monitors for the kids. It was kinda weird to see ppl from 27/28 leading worship and the speaker too. But it was alright. I think the kids were a little bored with it tho. Nursery 2nd hour. I love my kids. They're so cute.
Then took Greg and Mon to lunch and went home and crashed. Watched Cal highlights and then went to Hall's house for dinner. Baby's so cute. ::sigh:: Wonder what she's going to be like...should be interesting. All I have to say is, I can only handle ONE Dai Dai....
Oh, btw, did I mention, I LOVE this weather??? I like breathing in the clean, fresh air. I like being able to snuggle under my comforter on the couch next to a roaring fire sipping some tea and reading a good book. I like feeling comforted. However, I DON'T like having to wear shoes. Arrghhhhhhh. The only thing I like about the hot weather, being able to wear my flip flops and letting my toes be free =) Hahahhaha.
I should be asleep, but I can't. believe me, I TRY. I'm always so dog tired and when I crash into bed, I'm awake 10 mintues later. Arghhhhh...