Cutie Aaron!
Originally uploaded by michy.
Football season has offically started for me ;) And what a way to start off the season - whoppin Air Force 56 - 14. Yeeeahhhh! Going to be a great season...
so you're readin the ramblin's of me! yeah, so it might be boring...but then again, it could be funny...or even yet, just plain stupid...or possibly, it could just piss you off...whatever, you decide...but remember, it's my ramblin's, so there! =)
Football season has offically started for me ;) And what a way to start off the season - whoppin Air Force 56 - 14. Yeeeahhhh! Going to be a great season...
Announcing the newest addition to my family =)
Happy Birthday Jamz & Christy!! Well, while I type this, it's Jamz's birfday, when it gets posted, it'll be Christy's. This was taken...mmmm, a few years ago at Chevy's after we led evening service one Sunday. We went out to Chevy's at Bayfair [the same nite they got held up!]. This picture was the nice one...before Christy creamed Jamz in the face. Hahahhahahahaha! So anyways, hope you guys have a blessed year. You guys are awesome and I luv you!
Well, what do you know Eugene? Was I not JUST talking about this? Nothing like the unexpected sight of original eyecandy to try and brighten your day. =) At least I'm somewhat smiling now. . .
I miss Ria. I miss hearing her voice. I miss hearing her laughter. I miss hearing her scream "MICHHHYYYYY!" I miss her presence. I miss talking with her. I miss chilling with her. I miss her hugs. I miss her smile. I MISS HER. I wish I could just pick up a phone and call her. I wish I could just drive over to randomly hang out. I wish I could tell her one more time that I appreciate her. I miss and I wish...
Sometimes the disappointment is the disappointment. Does that even make sense? I dunno. I'm disappointed that I have the feeling of disappointment. No, it has nothing to do with school; I'm frustrated with school. But in any case, yeah, ::shrug:: disappointment has settled in. ::sigh:: I really do need to grow up. Trying to really push myself here to be a better person. . .