Today wasn't too bad. =) I woke up and actually made it to work on time....hahahhahaha! Maybe it had to do with the fact that eyecandy #1 was the first appointment today. ;) Yummmm...His eyes alone are candy, they're so pretty. Ok, enough of that.
So last nite, I got pretty decent sleep. Well, 4 hours anyway. I had a disturbing nitemare though. About a car accident on 880. Anyway, I read a new book, so that kept me up too. Couldn't put it down, had to finish it. Went to sleep at 4. I need to stop reading and just go to bed...eesh.
Tomorrow, going down to pick Tamaron up for yUCLA. Hopefully with all the moving and stuff, I'll be so tired, I won't have any problems sleeping. Going to be another long weekend. ::sigh:: Hopefully we can squeeze in Disneyland somewhere in there.
Still haven't heard anything from United about my luggage. Still haven't received my "M" from Tiffany's either. I beginning to hate luggage and postal services.
Alrighty, I'm off. Must pack . . .