It's been a tiring week. But at least Grandpa's out of the hospital. ::sigh:: BIG relief.
Monterey was relaxing--short, but relaxing. Much needed break.
Figured out I screwed myself over w/ school. I'm so stupid. I'll be in longer still. Arhhhhhh...
Last nite, spent the evening w/ Christine, Chris, Heather, Wade, John, and Franky in Berkeley. Watched the Cal Stanford Sing off. It was fun--hillarious actually. I wish I could sing as well as those people, so talented. I must say, those Stanford girls were dressed pretty skanky. Nasty skanky, stuff hangin out that shouldn't be hangin out skanky. ::shudder:: Cal's Men's Octet was the best. Hahahhahahaha.."8 men....96 inches...." Sorry, 'had to be there' moment. Followed by California Golden Overtones. I thot it'd be a "tighter competition" type of thing, but Stanford wasn't all that. They sang ok--but I was just surprised that they didn't do better. Guess money can't buy everything ;) The highlight was the Octet's encore. No where else will you hear a medley of Britney's 'Lucky' and BSB's 'for some reason, I cant remember the song' stuff acted out by a group of guys? It was hillarious. Unfortunately, 'Lucky' is now in my head. But it's ok, b/c I'm not visualising her...just the tall cutie in the group. ;) hahahahhahaha! It was a fun evening, something I wish I could do more often, hang out w/ them.
I'll be thinking of you this weekend Tamaron!