highlights and lows of the past weekend [yes i know it's friggin thursday]:
saturday low:
class from 8 - 5
not enough $ to go shopping...
saturday high:
no more saturday classes!
got a new sweater
dinner w/ hil
sunday low:
no morning coffee
seeing bad table manners
sunday high:
seeing my lil kids
"appreciating pat" hahahahahha
funny dinner [even tho there WERE some nasty non-existent table manners]
i'll even extend to monday since i didn't have anything on friday
monday low:
dumb patients from work who don't get "IT'S AGAINST THE LAW..."
the same ppl who rudely hang up on you
i forgot a jacket at nite and was freezing
monday high:
i made good sales
i checked in ALL the bxs of inventory!
left class early at nite
playin M.A.S.H - ahhhh...bringin back the memories of elementary/jr high school
this past week, omg. if it were snowing, i'd have run away to tahoe already. but since it's not, maui, specifically, wailea gets even more tempting by the minute. work has been straining-you'd think ppl would be smart, or at least have some COMMON SENSE, but apparently they don't. how stupid can they be? trust me, i think i've heard it all.