sheesh! it's like i'm a magnet for cars to hit me! i almost got hit twice again. sunday, after church, went to lunch w/ jon, karen, mikayla, mom, val, and hil. i was on washington, almost to sergio's. i had a green light and there was a car in front of me. then, i see this car on my left coming into the intersection. i honked at her and she gave me this look as if to say, what are you honking at?? then she slowly backed up. i have a witness too! hil was right behind me! and then, today, on my way to school, i had a green light again and as i went thru the intersection, this car that was coming from the right and was wanting to merge, almost hit me. she had a red light too! sheesh...i swear, one of these days, it's gonna happen...
*sigh* so much to do, so little time. and tho i should be doing my many assignments, painting, sketching, thumbnails, math, memorizing all these pieces of art for art history, i'm stalling....sort of listening/watching legally blonde in the background and just surfin the net. *oy* i need a vacation....
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