Originally uploaded by michy.
I'm so sad. Another person is leaving and moving on in their lives. It makes me disappointed that I'm such a slacker and I can never motivate or push myself to be more. I don't remember why we had a Hawaiian theme on this particular Sunday. Oh...maybe it was the introduction of theHOUSE. In either case, one of my favorite pictures of the group. It is a lil old seeing as we've added a few people since then. It's going to be really weird not seeing Toby 3-4 times a week. Toby means alot to me, I guess I never really thought about it till recently; I know I've taken him for granted. The 2 times in my life where I felt very much out of control and about to fall over and faint, he caught me. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. I hate goodbyes, but I guess it's not really a goodbye. I just have to view it as a very very EXTENDED trip that he'll be on. ::sigh:: One of the parts of growing up that I hate.
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