the weekend is finally over and it's time to start another long dreaded week. the weekend wasn't bad...just busy. driving all over creation, but that's ok. it's a good thing i like to drive, especially by myself. crank up the stereo and just rock out...yeahhhhh....
i hate that i can be so trusting of ppl and then i get let down. sometimes it gets done intentionally, sometimes not. either way, i take personally and i know i prolly shouldn't, but i do. *shrug* oh well.
i hate that i've cut back on things, but am still so invovled it feels like no change.
i hate that i feel like i'm losing touch w/ friends and no matter what, i can't do anything about it
i hate that i'm such a procrastinator that i screw myself over and end up making myself work harder
i hate that i can settle for just whatever, yet at the same time, revel in the fact that it doesn't take much to appease me
but at the same time, all these things, don't get to me in a way that i feel like i should just give everything up...just work harder, i guess. i dunno, had to explain i guess
highlight of today, evan asked me [in a comical monotone little voice], "mich" "what evy" "are you happy inside?" *pause* "yes, i am...evy, are you happy inside?" "YEAH!" leave it to a cute lil kid to make you contemplate what you have goin on and really evaluate the things in your life for a brief second. also, getting "bear hugs" and ccm-have you SEEN the cover? smitty is just yummy! =)
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