so it's been a few days of "freedom." at least freedom from being flat on the couch. ahhhhhh....feels good. but sometimes, if i get up to quickly or something, i feel sick...motion sickness i guess. so i've just been taking it slowly. on my 1st day of "semi-noramlness" the hsiaos came over. ALL the hsiaos. they brot me perdy flowers =) it was fun actually talkin to other ppl other than my parents and val. lol. and the next day, i did get to go to the mall =D so i got most of my christmas shopping done. i couldn't carry a thing, so mom had to carry it all. i felt so useless...blah. lol. and i just finished up my christmas shopping today [yea! for the internet! lol] and i'm ready to wrap! i can't wait to see everyone again. eeeshh. take forever and years. i saw baby mikayla low yesterday too. and her parents. hahahaha they came over for dinner. she's so cute! so little! she's funnee...she doesn't like to be rocked...she likes to be bounced up and down...literally. i gotz another dr appointment tuesday...hopefully it'll go well and i don't have any other set backs. oh, get this, my history teacher was bein a butt. i just emailed all my teachers tellin them that i was finally getting up and around and that i'm trying to straighten out my "academic situation" and that the dean of counselors was helping me out. well, my hist teacher called my dad saying that i was being disrespectful to him by not contacting him and going straight to the dean. that was like going to an attorney. i'm thinkin, what the heck?!?! and he said that i wouldn't be able to catch up cuz it's all lecture notes and yadda yadda i'm gonna ask for a W for his class. eesh. whatta bum...newayz, i'm off.
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