Happy Birthday!

Originally uploaded by michy.
Happy Birthday to the kid over there in the pic. Welcome to the Old Club.
I'm tired, so this is short.
Peter Cincotti-AWESOME blossom. I wish I had Mom's seats, but my seats were pretty good. I'm glad he cut his hair. Stage presence MUCH better. Wish the couple in front of me left instead of falling asleep so that Cman & Jeffey could take it.
Projects-I hate this time of the year. Final projects suck. Reminds me, I should really take care of some school business or I really will never graduate.
Sleep-I should be getting more. I miss my pillow.
Ex-boyfriends-some are nice, some are losers. I like all the SNs that Val and I made up for you. Some of my favorites: NMStudWannaB. <3LSSnNM. dntFKwitTAMARON. I'm tellin ya, watch your back b/c I just might have to come and hunt you down and make you cry every night. You've been forewarned.
Ok, now I can get back to work =)
me love you long time.
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