About a year ago? I think, I'm not sure, anyways, awhile ago, one Saturday, after practice, the whole teams was going to go to the city and eat at Joe's Crab Shack. I woke up feeling absolutely horrible. I couldn't move, I was doubled over in pain. I thought I could sleep for a few more minutes and then I'd be ok. I woke up to my phone ringing and it was 10:15. The team was asking me where I was and if I was ok. I told them I couldn't go and to just go without me because I just couldn't move, I hurt so much. I had such horrible abdominal pains I was curled up so tightly, I was even surprised I could be in that position. I ended driving myself to the ER where I waited for forever before being shown into a room. Then waited even longer before a Dr. came. I did some tests, Xrays, etc. and they found nothing. As I was leaving the hospital, I see my friends come rollin up w/ a huge balloon that barely fit in the car w/ them. I still have the balloon and it's sitting in the corner of my room. We went home where they chowed down on dinner. But me, the only thing I could eat was plain white rice and apple sauce for a week. Then I had more tests, blood tests, more Xrays and ultra sounds. Still nothing. It had nothing to do with cramps, appendicts, my cycle. They couldn't find anything and they had no answers. After about a week and a half, I was fine. Yesterday afternoon, mom and I went to Standford Shopping Mall to pick up something from J.Crew. While eatin lunch, I started feeling funny. Went into Papyrus and I broke out in a cold sweat, had a hard time breathing and felt shaky. Picked up what I needed from J.Crew and went home. Got home and had to go to Pleasant Hill for dinner w/ Dad's side. Could barely eat because I felt so badly. I had the abdominal pains again. Got home around 8:30 and I slept until around 3 this morning. When i woke up, I was curled up really tightly again. The abdominal pains subsided a little bit, but I was still hurting. Went back to sleep and woke up today around 2. I'm not hungry, I don't feel like doing anything, but I need to do some homework. It's a good thing I don't have class tonite, because I don't think I'd make it. Mom says I should go to the Dr if I don't feel better. Why go when they won't know what's wrong with me. Why go when I'll have to sit in a waiting room for hours to tell them it's nothing and it'll pass. I'd rather curl up and throw a blanket over my head.
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